Monthly Archives: March 2011

Situation Vacant

Following the retirement of the esteemed previous holder of the post, the Club now has a vacancy for an Assistant Responsible to Stuart for Excel. Read more

Scottish Championships

The Scottish Championships and Scottish Relay Championship were held on Sunday March 27th at the Dundee Ice Arena.  The winner was Elise Christie fresh from the World Championships in Sheffield. Full details of the competition are available on the Results page. Read more

Scottish 1000m and 3000m, Stirling

The Scottish 1000m and 3000m competitions were held at the Peak Sports Village in Stirling on the 19th of February.  The results and protocol can be found on the Results page.

Post updated on 25-Mar with a selection of photos from the event:

Connor and Rachel

1000m podium

3000m podium

Get ready, set, go


Tommy the Iceman

Bennie thanking Tommy

Archie giving gift to Tommy

Tommy has been an iceman at the Magnum ever since it opened.  He retires at the end of the month and so he won’t be moving to Auchenharvie with us when the Magnum rink closes.  His friendly smile and the help he has given to the Club over the years will be greatly missed and everyone wishes him well on his retirement.  As our club session today was the last time that we will see Tommy at the rink he was presented with a card and gift on behalf of all the Club members.


Auchenharvie Rink Update

Auchenharvie Rink

Laying out the rink

Update 19th March:  the rink was laid yesterday afternoon.  Here are some pictures of the new rink – looks very bright and attractive. Read more