Scottish Ladies and Men’s Sprint Results

Men's Sprint Podium

Scottish Ladies podium presented by Andy Walker

This was our last competition in the Magnum before our move to the new Auchenharvie Rink.  Fittingly Kathryn T. broke the Scottish Record for 333m at Junior C on her way to a convincing victory in the Scottish Ladies’ Championship.

Men’s Sprint

1st Scott A. Dundee
2nd Craig M. Ayrshire Flyers
3rd Greg I. Dundee

Scottish Ladies’ Championship

1st Kathryn T. Ayrshire Flyers
2nd Claire P. Dundee
3rd Rachel W. Ayrshire Flyers

Novices – Ladies

1st Niamh W. Ayrshire Flyers
2nd Deborah J. Ayrshire Flyers
3rd Rebecca H. Ayrshire Flyers

Novices – Men

1st Steven T. Ayrshire Flyers
2nd Aiden W-S. Ayrshire Flyers

Links to the full protocol and results can be found on the Results page.

Thanks to all the officials for a good event and the Magnum staff for their support at this and all our previous events at the Magnum.

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