Club Championships

The Club Championships 2011 were held on Sunday 5th June at our new Auchenharvie home to close the 2010 skating season – Well done everyone.  Once again we have seen some closely fought races with the usual falls, competitive spirits and entertaining skating.

The trophies handed out were as follows:

Club Championship Kathryn T
Club Handicap Fiona T
Coach’s Skater of the Year Roy W
Skaters’ Skater of the Year Connor H
Most Improved Girl Megan M
Most Improved Boy Connor H
Fall of the Year Kathryn T for being thrown up the track by Craig M during a non conventional relay change at the Scottish Championship – there were many other close contenders for this prized award though!

In the parents’ race only four brave (or foolhardy) contestants were up for the challenge. A couple of falls (one demolition job) and a deserving first place achieved by Ailsa H.

Here are some photographs from the day.

First prize in the Mr Tickle raffle went to Niamh W.

What a pity we ran out of time before we could carry out the “assault” on Archie!

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