Author Archives: admin

Coach’s Report Club Championships 2011/12

With the usual excitement, energy & enthusiasm we saw the final racing of the season from Ayrshire Flyers today.

The Club Champion this year is again Kathryn T. with Lorna T. second, Callum M. third and Connor H. fourth, both boys colliding on the first corner which saw them fall and lose their chance of taking the trophy.

The Club Handicap Race, after its usual mayhem, spills & tumbles was won by Aiden W-S., Megan pipped Joshua on the line to take second place.

Then there was the big event of the day, the event we’ve waited all year for, the Annual Parents Race (or as now known, The Race of Those That Should Know Better). Thanks go to Alistair, Sylvia, Ailsa, Iain, Gayle, Robert & Dana for their bravery, well done to Iain although Ailsa assures us all he cheated.

Next we had family races – first up were the Hulls, a closely contended race but Connor took the title. Next were the Johnstons, Alistair won much to Lorna & Deborah’s disapproval! The two Thomson families were next, followed by Joshua, Robert, Dana, Erin & Ciaran, then Iain, Callum, Aiden & Sylvia. All races were completed with much hilarity and gusto aided by various handicaps and the addition of obstacles on the track!!

Club Championships

Coach's Skater

Fall of the Year

Handicap Winner

Most Improved Girl

Trophy Winners 2012

The season’s other awards were:

  • Skaters’ Skater of the Year: Kathryn T.
  • Coach’s Skater of the Year: Rebecca H.
  • Most Improved Girl:  Deborah J.
  • Most Improved Boy: Roy W.
  • Fall of the Year: Lorna J. (thanks to Archie)

The session finished with fun and games, congratulations to all the trophy winners and thanks to everyone for their participation today and their help and support throughout the season.

The latest personal bests for the season can be found on the PBs Page.

Auchenharvie Anniversary

Here are some pictures from a fun session to celebrate the first anniversary of our move to our new rink at Auchenharvie.

Speed Taster Days

Our three new club members

Helpers at the P4 speed skating sessions

On Wednesday 21st and Thursday 22nd March we ran the Primary 4 “Speed Taster Days”.   This was organised by Kirsty Cameron and the Active Schools Co-ordinators, in conjunction with Archie.   Over the two days we had 427 P4 pupils from 11 schools in the Three Towns area.   The schools were  – Ardeer, Caledonia, Dykesmains, Glencairn, Hayocks, Mayfield, Stanley, St John’s, St Peter’s, West Kilbride and Winton.   The goal of the project was to give the children a fun day and expose them to speed skating with the hope that they would be encouraged to come back skating and possibly try speed skating.   The children were given basic skating instruction, followed with basic speed skating coaching.   They then watched a demonstration by four of our skaters, Kathryn Lorna Connor and Euan, before racing themselves.   The enthusiasm, fun, sporting ability and natural competitiveness of the children made this an unforgettable experience for all involved.   With the vast majority of the children not having skated before it was hard work and an intense two days.   Thanks must go to the coaches and assistants for giving up two days of their time and putting in a great effort to ensure the P4’s had a rewarding experience.

Coaches: Carol Miller, Kirsty Cameron, Archie Marshall

Assistants: Kathryn Thomson, Lorna Thomson, Connor Hull, Euan Taylor, Benny McCormack


The latest issue of the Starclass Newsletter is now available  PDF.  The latest Sk8scotland Speed Newsletter  PDF is also available.

Club Secretary 

Scottish Championships 2012

The Scottish Championships 2012 were held at Auchenharvie ice rink on Sunday 25th March.  The protocol is on the Results page.  The Personal Bests for Club skaters has also been updated.

Position Skater
First Craig M.
Second Shu Di Y.
Third Roy W.
Position Skater
First Fiona T.
Second Rebecca H.
Third Aiden W.
Position Skater
First Deborah J.
Second Lorna J.
3000m Relay
Position Club
First Forth Valley Ice Skating Club
Second Ayrshire Flyers Speed Skating Club

Fitzroy Trophy 2012

Ladies Kathryn T.
Men Craig M.




Relay Winners

Fitzroy Winners 2012 with Referee