Author Archives: admin

Committee Meeting Minutes

The minutes of the Committee Meeting held on 14th April are now available on the Members’ Page.

International Fixture List

The first draft of the International Fixture List for 2011-12 is now available here PDF.

Club Secretary

Club Championships

The Club Championships 2011 were held on Sunday 5th June at our new Auchenharvie home to close the 2010 skating season – Well done everyone.  Once again we have seen some closely fought races with the usual falls, competitive spirits and entertaining skating. Read more

Time for a Chat – the Result

A meeting was held on Sunday 22nd May to give Archie and the Club the opportunity to discuss plans for the coming season for the club and other skating matters.  Here is the outcome:

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Nostalgia Trip: the Last Magnum Event

The last event at the Magnum was hardly what you would call “serious training” as the following pictures show. I particularly like the bizarre ritual where the Coach makes the skaters kneel in his presence; then there is the fun of all those blades coming nicely together;  and what chance was there that the mat wall would stay up; who is that hanging on the barrier for dear life?  We’ll all miss the old Magnum (for a week or so). Read more