Scottish Ladies Championships & Scottish Masters Championships

The Scottish Ladies and Scottish Masters Championships took place at “The Peak” in Stirling on Sunday 11th March 2012. The protocol is on the Results page.

Scottish Masters
Position Skater
First Alan D.
Second Brian R.
Third Billy McA..
Scottish Ladies
Position Skater
First Kathryn T.
Second Claire P.
Third Lorna T.
Position Skater
First Ranald M.
Second Deborah J.
Third Lorna J.

Scottish Masters 2012

Scottish Ladies 2012


Star Class Final

Congratulations to club members Kathryn and Shannon on being invited to take part in the Star Class finals which are being held in Romania on 16th – 18th March.  This is the second time both skaters have got through to Star Class finals.

They qualified for this final by being placed in the top 8 skaters in their category from Western Europe and will be skating against the top 8 skaters in their category from Eastern Europe.   Only 6 skaters from Great Britain qualified for the final and this is a great achievement for the skaters and for our club.

I’m sure everyone will join me in wishing our “Flyers” well.

 Club Secretary

Scottish 1000m and 3000m Competition

The Scottish 1000m and 3000m Championship 2012 were held at The Peak Ice Arena, Stirling on Saturday 18th February 2012. The protocol is available on the Results page.

Scottish 3000m
Position Skater
First Craig M.
Second Ben M.
Third Greg I.
Scottish 1000m
Position Skater
First Ben M.
Second Craig M.
Third Shu Di Y


Scottish 3000m podium

Scottish 1000m podium

Personal Best Times

We’ve added a new page listing the personal best times (PBs) for club members. You can reach it from the menu.

Scottish 500m Results

The results from the Scottish 500m event held at Auchenharvie on 29th January are as follows:

Novice Podium

Position Skater
First Aiden W.
Second Deborah J
Third Lorna J

Scottish 500m Podium

Scottish 500m
Position Skater
First Craig M
Second Ben M
Third Shu Di Y