Scottish Ladies and Men’s Sprint Results

Men's Sprint Podium

Scottish Ladies podium presented by Andy Walker

This was our last competition in the Magnum before our move to the new Auchenharvie Rink.  Fittingly Kathryn T. broke the Scottish Record for 333m at Junior C on her way to a convincing victory in the Scottish Ladies’ Championship. Read more

British Championships 2011

Please find attached the announcement  PDF for the British Short Track Speed Skating Championships which this year is being held in Sheffield on Saturday 9th and Sunday 10th April. Would all club members and parents carefully read the photograph/video policy in the announcement. Read more

Scottish 500m Championships 2011 Results

The first of the Scottish Championships, the Scottish 500m, was held at the Magnum on Sunday January 31st.

Podium Winners

Novice Winners

Scottish 500m Final

In an exciting, hard fought final Scott Anderson (Dundee) took his first Scottish title, over taking Craig Miller on the last lap to deny Craig his 15th championship title. Third place went to Kathryn Thomson, a great result as she continues her recovery from injury. The fourth finalist was Greg Ireland (Dundee) in his first senior final.

There were a number of other very good performances not least from two of our newer skaters Conner Hull and Callum Mort, both displaying a lot of promise.

The novice competition was won by Jordan McLaughlin (Forth Valley) with second and third going to Flyers Crawford Gilles and Aiden Walker-Stewart. Flyers newest skaters Lorna, Deborah and Steven all skated with spirit and demonstrated potential for the future too.

Thanks to all the officials for a good event and the Magnum staff for their support.

Junior and Seniors

1st Scott A. Dundee
2nd Craig M. Ayrshire Flyers
3rd Kathryn T. Ayrshire Flyers


1st Jordon M. Forth Valley
2nd Crawford G. Ayrshire Flyers
3rd Aiden W.-S. Ayrshire Flyers

Links to the full protocol and results can be found on the Results page.

Competition Results Update

Odense Star Class – January 2011

Shannon S travelled to Odense in Denmark to compete in the 3rd Star Class competition (7-9 January) of the season. Please see for full results.

Hasselt Star Class – November 2010

Shannon S travelled to Hasselt in Belgium to complete in the 2nd Star Class competition (26-28 November). Please see for full results.

Junior British Open – 2010

Fiona, Kathryn, Connor, Shannon and Roy travelled down to Nottingham to compete in the Junior British Open. There were some closely contested races over the two days and congratulations to Kathryn on achieving 3rd place in Junior C Ladies and to Shannon on being 1st in Junior B Ladies. The results and protocol can be found on the Results page.