Club Championships 2015

The Club Championships were held on Sunday 31st May. Well done to all skaters who participated and congratulations to Michael who won the trophy for Club Champion. The following trophies were awarded:

Club Champion Michael Mackay
Handicap Race trophy Emma Thomson
Most Improved Lady Lorna Johnston
Most Improved Gent Sean Farrell
Coaches’ Skater of the Year Chloe Cameron
Skaters’ Skater of the Year Michael Mackay
Fall of the Year Penny Smith

Winner of the Parents’ race this year was Billy Mair.

Club Championships – Sunday 31 May 2015

The new date proposed for the Club Championships is Sunday 31st May 2015.  This will be held during our normal club session times.  There is no need to confirm attendance as format, including fun races, will be dependent on actual turnout on the day.

The Club Championships will also include the annual “Parents’ Race” which all parents are invited to take part in.

It would be appreciated if all trophies from last year’s championships are returned prior to Sunday 31st May.

Club Secretary

Scottish Championships

Well done to all skaters who took part in the Scottish Championships held at Auchenharvie ice rink on Sunday 12 April 2015.  Special congratulations to Euan Taylor, Senior Champion, and to David Robles-Thome, Pee/Wee Champion. Full details are in the protocol on the Results page. Read more

Scottish 1000m/3000m Championships

Well done to club members Roy, Deborah, Lorna and Chloe who competed in the Scottish 1000m/3000m Championships held at “The Peak”, Stirling on Sunday 8 February.   Full details are in the protocol on the Results page.


Scottish 3000m Championship Podium


British Championships 2015

Well done to Flyers Michael, Rebecca, Deborah, Chloe and Lorna who competed in the British Championships at Nottingham on Saturday 3rd and Sunday 4th January 2015.  Congratulations to Deborah who came 3rd in Pee Wee Girls category.  Full results are available on shorttrackonline. Updated PBs can be found here.

My thanks to Alistair and Clinton Cast for the photos below:

PeeWee Girls Podium

PeeWee Girls Podium


More photos can be found on this Dropbox public site.